Friday, April 23, 2010

Dear the world: I would like to confess my love for Nathan Maranto he is a great person...we have had our differences in the past however he has forgiven me...i realize that it was my bad. I dont know how life would be without Nathan he is a great human being and without him my life would be thrown in utter Kaos!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My year in journalism

My year was full of good days, bad days and everything in between. I have greatly enjoyed my year and have seen things in a new light. For example, i now hate computers, typing, pens, paper and writing. I hate blogs, blog websites, and now newsprint. This class was suppose to be my relax class but actually was work.

I love every person in the class. I have made new friends and gotten closer with close ones. Everyone in the class is unique and special in many different ways. I have always found it amazing how no one looks the same in the world. Just saying, off topic i know. But i have enjoyed everyday in journalism.

I now have a new respect for journalist. I alway thought journalist were journalist because they couldnt make it in their original college major. After a year of doing their work i have relized that it takes a special etermined person to fill that job. This person will not be me. Nothing against them it is just that writing is not my thing.

I have even enjoyed my time with Ms. Melancon. She can be tough at times but only because she loves us. Through the year i have never seen her negative in any way. She is always uplifting and encouraging which greatly helps in the classroom. It is almost hard to respect her as a teacher because i consider her one of my good friends. Thank you Ms. Melancon for being a wonderful teacher and being a postive example in my life. P.s. if you would like to uprade your title to Mrs., then im your guy ;)

How could i end this blog with out a paragraph on Nathan. Me and him have been though a lot. Im surprised that he still likes me after how many times i have beat him up. Not physically but mentally. Who knows how i would have made it through this class without him. thanks Nathan for always being there, even when times were rough. P.s. If either Brooke, Danielle, Chelsey, Laura, and Sarah are reading this, im going to bring yall on dates. Because i like yall, every single one of yall. I mormon its legal.


BA strike enters its third day airwayswhat:a strikewhen:nowwhere:The UKwhy:dispute over payBluefin canapes anyone? fin tunawhat:dying outwhen:nowwhere:in countries that eat it alotwhy:because they catch so much of itJerusalem: Key to Light ... and Darkness Jerusalem inhabitantswhat:unrest when:the last few dayswhere:jerusalem streetswhy:dwindiling hope of peacehow:fights in the streetSchool Hugging Ban: Oregon Middle School Principal Says Hands Off kidswhat: banned from huggingwhen:nowwhere:orgeon middle schoolwhy:bullying and innaprpriate behaviorhow:official PTA descionDo We Lose Learning Ability?ho: learning abiltywhen:during pubertywhere:the brainhow:because of a swell of GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid receptor)Buying Time for Gender-Confused Kids Norman Spackwhat:delaying puberty for kids ro maturewhen:nowwhere:anyeherewhy:so they will make a mature descion on sex changehow:with a drug of some kindSuspected currency criminal building luxury home men what:suspected of illegal currency speculationwhen:nowwhere:icelandwhy:banking collapseIncreased activity at Iceland volcano volcano what:activewhen:this morningwhere:near the Eyjafjallajokull glacier why:who knowsYarn crafts and knitting festival promoting Nordic art to take place in Iceland Knitting Art 2010 yarn crafts festivalwhen:june and julywhere:Reykjavikwhy:celebrate the creativity found within knitting and crochethow:capturing the essence of the Nordic knitting tradition and its current usage within art and design

Rural Life Museum.

The rural life museum is located in Baton Rouge, Lousiana. It is a museum full of ancient collections and knowledge. The main point of the museum is to teach people how older americans lived on a plantation. The museum tells a great story and has the world larget collection of outhouses. The museum actually began as a mans private collection but then became a well known museum.
The museum shows the life of people back from the past. It demonstrates their way of life. They have different shows and presentations of how they lived their everyday lives. You are able to eat some of the food. You can even participate in helping the workers utilize the old machines
The museum is essentially a collection of seven buildings that illustrates the various cultural influences of Louisiana's settlers. The Barn holds many items from prehistoric times to the 20th century. All of the buildings have something interesting to go see and are all functioning. The workers dress in old-timey clothes as well to give you a real sense of how life back then was.
I have actually visited the museum once before. Although im not claiming to be an expert on rural life, i must say i have learned alot. A tour guide will guide us through the village to teach us everything we need to know about the museum. The guides are volunteer workers and guide for the fun of it. That proved the dediction they have toward the museum.
I am looking forward to going to the rural life museum. I have been before but am anxious to go see any new collections that they might have added. I also will enjoy being out of school. A terrible field trip beats an awesome day at school. I hope all goes well.


Deadly Blast in Bangkok
Who- Terrorist
What- Terrorist threw grenades and hurt people
WHen- Yesterday
Where- Bangkok
How- With there arms

Plane Kills Beach Jogger in Emergency Landing
What: a plane killed a jogger when it went to land: A 38-year-old jogger from Georgia is dead after a single-engine plane making an emergency landing hit him as he ran on a South Carolina beach listening to his iPod.
when: recently
where: beach in South Carolina
how: the man was in the way of the plane
why: plane had to make emergency landing

California earthquake wakes up Los Angelos
What: a earthquake struck California
when: recently
where: Los angeles
how: An earthquake shook southern California early today, causing little damage but worrying residents who fear a massive disaster like those recently seen in Haiti and Chile.
why: just a part of life
who: California people

Tiger Woods Returns to Play at Masters
Who: Tiger Woods
What: Will return to the masters golf tournament
Where: Augusta, GA
When: next month
Why: he feels ready to start back after his sex scandal
How: he has undergone about two months of inpatient therapy

The Blueberry Children
Who: young children
What: are being used as labor in blueberry farms
Where: Adkin Blue Ribbon packing company in South Haven, Michigan
When: Oct. 30, 2009
Why: they were used to pick and cultivate the blueberries
How: the owner however was unaware that the children were apart of the work


Plane Kills Beach Jogger in Emergency Landing
What: a plane killed a jogger when it went to land: A 38-year-old jogger from Georgia is dead after a single-engine plane making an emergency landing hit him as he ran on a South Carolina beach listening to his iPod.
when: recently
where: beach in South Carolina
how: the man was in the way of the plane
why: plane had to make emergency landing
who: jogger man

Uk Leaders in second debate
Who: UK leaders
What: There are debating over politics
When: yesterday
Where: in the uk
How: With there mouths

who-space shuttle Discovery
when-april 20
why-because what goes up must come down:)
how-landing gear
who-teenagers(alex Giffith)
what-raise money
why- to build a playground
how-with 60,000 dollars of raised money
who-baby sea otter
what-nursed back to health
where-Workers at Florida's Clearwater Marine Aquarium
why-wandered onto a tennis court

Death Valley
Who- National Geographic
What- Death Valley Tourist Park
When- Yesterday
Where- California and Nevada
How- With cameras

Mt. St. Helena Reborn
Who- NAtional Geographic
WHat- Mt. St. Helena is active
Where.- St. Helen
how- The power of God

Water is Life
Who- National Geographic
What- They discovered just how much water helps the body
When- Recently
Where- In Nebraska
How- With science

Under a glacier of iceland, a volcano erupted. This is the second time this month. There is an active volcano under the ground in Iceland. The fact that this volcano is active, is very scary. The volcano erupted again on Wednesday april 21. The volcano cause 800 people to evacuate and even flights to be delayed.
The glacier was melted by the heat of the volcano. The glacier began to melt and run down the mountain. This cause the water to rise 10 feet in local rivers. This eruption was 10 to 20 times greater than last months. The water is still draining from the site so they can only estimate the damage it has caused.
Civil protection officers rescued 70 stranded tourist the day of the incident. So far, none have been annouced dead. That is fortunate because it is located on a tourist site. The people who were rescued were quickly taken care of and brought to a red cross.
This is the 2nd time this month that the volcano in Iceland has erupted. Each eruption is getting stronger and stronger. Scientist predict that if the eruption causes a chain of eruptions in volcanoes near the area iceland will suffer severe flooding. This my friend will not be good. The end is near Iceland, the end is near.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lake Lochness

There have been many mysteries that have puzzled mankind. What came first the chicken or the egg, Bigfoot, aliens, and the lochness monster. These are some mysteries that have never been proven. The lochness monster was said to be a dragon type monster living in Lake Lochness in Scotland. The monster was first seen repectively around 565 A.D. by a man and his wife. The man said he saw it around dawn and it looked like a giant lizard.
Since then there has been many different sitings. A woman said that she saw the monster everyday for 3 days. Her description of the monster matched that of the man's in 565 ad. She contacted many different authorities but was turned away because they didnt believe her.
Since the sitings, many people have been faking the pictures of Nessie the lochness monster. Three of the most famous pictures were staged. The were staged by the man Robert Kenneth Wilson. He made a fake monster and placed it in the water and photographed it. After a few edits, the monster was made.
There has been sonar study to find the monster. Divers placed sonar becons in the water at the bottom of the lake. The sonar test result came back with a picture of one large monster like animal. The picture is blurry but there is a chance that the photographed image could be the lochness monster.
There are many false sitings that have proven the lochness monster to be just a hoax. There has been the report of v shaped waves in the water, as if something is swimming unnder it, they were found to be just birds. There has been giant eels found in the water, these eelshave been said to be the lochness monster.
All of these false siting have somewhat disproven the legend of the lochness monster. As for me, I still believe. I believe that the monster is real. We are constantly finding animals that have been said to be exstinct for centuries. This proves that there is a slight chance that Nessie is out there.

Thursday, February 25, 2010



Watergate was a political scandal that eventually forced president Richard Nixon to resign from his office of presidency. The water gate scandal was something that has been going on for an entire year before it was discovered and brought to the public. The scandal was uncovered and revealed to the people through the Washington Post. Bob Woodward and Carl Berstein are the journalist responsible for bringing the scandal to light.

These two reporters were everyday journalist for the Washinton Post. The Washington Post is a newspaper that usually dealt with political affairs. These two reporters heard of the watergate burglaries and began their research. The did a different type of research than repoters do today. There was no internet or computer to look up information, everything must have been done by phone or in person.

Bob Woodward and Carl Berstein began to find small clues of something that was bigger than watergate burglaries. The began to question people high up in goverment office but they acted like they had no clue. These two reporters knew that they had been told not to talk. They began to persuade people to give clues about watergate, and eventually developed a story that would change the world.

They published a story that turned Watergate Burglary into a Watergate Scandal. They revealed that the republican party had been snooping around and sabatoging the democratic party. All of this was done just to re-elect president Nixon, who would have won the election without the sabatoging. The scandal was revealed and Nixon resigned. All this is thanks to Bob Woodward and Carl Berstein, a.k.a Woodstein.

Friday, February 19, 2010

feature story

Summer is a great time for students everywhere. Children of all ages are running outside and playing in the summer sun. Summer is a great time for relaxation and a good time to hang out with friends. I personally enjoy summer because i get some away time to do whatever i want.
Summer comes around once a year. Usually around the end of May. This is a time of rest for students and even teachers. It is a time to go on vacation and hangout with your best friends. Summer is enjoyed by kids everywhere.
Summer is my favorite holiday. It is a time for me to work and make money to spend. This will be my last highschool summer coming up, so i hope to spend it doing everything i wanted. Im going to hangout with all of my friends and what not.
"Summer is a time for your brain to go mush", as said by Caleb Leger. Which this is true, summer is a time to relax from school and take a break. It is a time to forget how to write and learn as well. It is cool dawg. ya know
Summer is a great time for students everywhere. Children of all ages are running outside and playing in the summer sun. Summer is a great time for relaxation and a good time to hang out with friends. I personally enjoy summer because i get some away time to do whatever i want.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Almost everyone you know owns or has a guitar. Many people can play, or can pretend to play, but very few know the origin of the guitar. Guitars were said to originate in Spain. The word guitar come from the spanish word guitarra.
The very first 6 string guitar was made in 1776. and was made by a member of the family of Italian luthiers, or stringed instrument builders, who developed the mandolin. Since the guitar was contrived by the mandolin makers, it has similar properties. The guitar was smaller and had a different sound than what we are accustomed to today.
By the mid-1800s, the guitar had taken on its familiar shape, and bracing inside the guitar had been changed to the modern fan style. These were acoustic guitars. These guitars began to look more like what we have today. With the creation of these new guitars, more and more musicians began toplay.
It wasnt until the 1900's that the electric guitar was invented. The first electric guitar was an amazing contribution to the music industry. With the creation of the electric guitar there was the creation of guitar amplifiers and effects. These effect began to make new genres and subgenres of music.
Knowing the history of the guitar helps create a love for the guitar. If you dont know the history you cannot respect where it has come from. Knowiung the history helps you to love and understand the instrument. A deeper appreciation of the guitar leads to a deeper respect, which shines through when the instrument is played. Have fun and keep playing.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Liar Liar

Many people can can recognize the name Stephen Glass, but few know the story behind it. Stephen Glass was a write for The New Republic, the official magazine of Air Force One. He was the youngest writer in the office, and had many degrees in journalism with a good background. He was considered on of the best writers in the office because of his crazy storyies.
Stephen was a staff writer and he was in law school. He was always booked for his studies. Which is possibly the main reason he decided to lie. Stephen is known for making up 27 false stories out of the 41 he wrote.
Stephen lied about 27 different stories. He made up sources and added them in his column as legal sources, this today is highly illegal and can get even the most notorious writer fired. Stephen was finally caught in the middle of his lie by an online journal group. The editor was contacted and had no choice but to fire Stephen from The New Republic to protect the magazine. A letter of apologies was sent out in the next issue apologizing for the lies.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Earthquake in Hati

One of the worlds most disasterous natural disasters happened recently in Hati. It was January 12th when an eathquake hit Hati. The earthquake toped the rictor scale and was catagorized at a magnitude of 7.0. This earthquake was catagorized as the one of the worlds most deadly natural disasters, killing around 150 thousand people. This event ended a lot of lives and changed the course of many.
Many people think of hurricanes, tornadoes, and tsunamis being the only natural disasters that can cause great damage and death. Many have learned through the recent disaster in Hati. This 7.0 earthquake brought destruction to Hati, which is know as the poorest nation on earth. This even left many homeless and many dead. Citizens from everywhere are joining together to help, by sending money, missionaries and rescue teams.
The Rictor Scale is the scale that is used to catagorize an earthquakes amplitude. The scale goes from 1-10. 1 being the lowest to 10 being the highest. The recent earthquake in Hati was rated a 7. Wikipedi states that, an earthquake with the amplitutde of 7 can cause great damage throughout a large area. They also state that it is equivilant to 600 megatons of tnt.
The body count is at 150,000 and is still rising as rescue team are finding people trapped under rubble. Each day the count gets higher. Homeless and confused, the people of Hati are trying to adapt to their new ways of living. Hati was known for having a dominate religion of Satanism. Some people believe that this is a curse from God. Others just see it as a natural disater.
There are many different ways to support Hati. There are numbers you can call and text to donate money. Some people are even going as far to adopt children from hati. Anything will help, so give America, give, give. In any way that you can every dollar is changing lives.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Feature Story

There are many different bands out there ,but what separates a good band from just any other garage band? There are many different noticable things that differ them. Skill, of course is an important part of it but not the most important. The most important things is to develope your own material, you dont want to sound like any other mainstream band out there, you need to be different and have a unique sound. Next you must have catchy choruses and guitar riffs, this will get people addicted to your music and they will sing it everywhere. And finally practice, everyone has heard that practice makes perfect and it is true.
Everyband need their own unique sound. No record label wants a band that sounds just like one they already have, so be different. Of course there is always a song that sounds like another but try to limit it. To be different just make your own material, your own lyrics, guitar and drum licks. The rest will work itself out.
The next step is to develope catchy riffs and lyrics. This is probably the hardest part of being a succesful band. Once you right one good song, that is what is expected of you for the rest of your career. Guitar riffs are easy for some, but dificult for others. Lyrics take wit and a wide range in vocabulary, but with practice both of these will come.
The last step is to practice. Everyone has heard that practice makes perfect and this is true. Practice everyday. you dont even need your entire band. Just practice your instruments and parts. Practice in front of people and the nerves will ease up. Eventually you willbe preforming in front of crowds of people that cant even be counted.
Once you have mastered all of these teniques as a band, you will be better than you ever imagined. Of course there are a few more steps but these are the main ones. I hope this story has influenced you to start a band. and if your already in one i hope you follow these steps

20 pictures

U Teach

1. Nathan's.
Nathans taught me how to win pinball. That is legit. Now i can beat my mom

2. Tim's
Tim grows miniature trees. Thats even more legit. It made me wwant to plant little trees everywhere.

3. James
James was the coolest because me and Danielle taught it to the class. Taught it well, at that.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1.bernard st. margrete. missouri. The Knight Errant
2.Iolani School. Honolulu, Hawaii. Imua Iolani
3.Gaylesville Enterprise - Gaylesville School - Gaylesville, ALWritten and published by the students of Gaylesville
4.Horace Mann Record - Horace Mann School, New York, NY Weekly school newspaper which is fully searchable and is updated throughout the
5 Lowell High School, San Francisco, CA

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


1st place would have to go to the demolition game. I enjoyed that game very much. Me being a guy and all enjoyed the explotions and destructive nature of the game. I sucessful accomplished every level more than once. Out of all the blogs this was the best.

2nd place would go to the ehow assignment. I am facinated with simple facts such as the how-to's on ehow. Instead of finding just 3 ehows i found a few more. I even used the ehow of how to stuff a turkey in the thanksgiving newspaper. 2nd place definately goes to ehow, Fasho bruh.

3rd place goes to the picture story. In this blog we had to tell a story using 5 pictures. I photoshoped some and made fun of nathan. He made fun of me, the never ending cycle. But other than these three, my blog assignments suckkkkkedd. ahh j/k they stunk.