Thursday, April 22, 2010

who-space shuttle Discovery
when-april 20
why-because what goes up must come down:)
how-landing gear
who-teenagers(alex Giffith)
what-raise money
why- to build a playground
how-with 60,000 dollars of raised money
who-baby sea otter
what-nursed back to health
where-Workers at Florida's Clearwater Marine Aquarium
why-wandered onto a tennis court

Death Valley
Who- National Geographic
What- Death Valley Tourist Park
When- Yesterday
Where- California and Nevada
How- With cameras

Mt. St. Helena Reborn
Who- NAtional Geographic
WHat- Mt. St. Helena is active
Where.- St. Helen
how- The power of God

Water is Life
Who- National Geographic
What- They discovered just how much water helps the body
When- Recently
Where- In Nebraska
How- With science

Under a glacier of iceland, a volcano erupted. This is the second time this month. There is an active volcano under the ground in Iceland. The fact that this volcano is active, is very scary. The volcano erupted again on Wednesday april 21. The volcano cause 800 people to evacuate and even flights to be delayed.
The glacier was melted by the heat of the volcano. The glacier began to melt and run down the mountain. This cause the water to rise 10 feet in local rivers. This eruption was 10 to 20 times greater than last months. The water is still draining from the site so they can only estimate the damage it has caused.
Civil protection officers rescued 70 stranded tourist the day of the incident. So far, none have been annouced dead. That is fortunate because it is located on a tourist site. The people who were rescued were quickly taken care of and brought to a red cross.
This is the 2nd time this month that the volcano in Iceland has erupted. Each eruption is getting stronger and stronger. Scientist predict that if the eruption causes a chain of eruptions in volcanoes near the area iceland will suffer severe flooding. This my friend will not be good. The end is near Iceland, the end is near.