Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lake Lochness

There have been many mysteries that have puzzled mankind. What came first the chicken or the egg, Bigfoot, aliens, and the lochness monster. These are some mysteries that have never been proven. The lochness monster was said to be a dragon type monster living in Lake Lochness in Scotland. The monster was first seen repectively around 565 A.D. by a man and his wife. The man said he saw it around dawn and it looked like a giant lizard.
Since then there has been many different sitings. A woman said that she saw the monster everyday for 3 days. Her description of the monster matched that of the man's in 565 ad. She contacted many different authorities but was turned away because they didnt believe her.
Since the sitings, many people have been faking the pictures of Nessie the lochness monster. Three of the most famous pictures were staged. The were staged by the man Robert Kenneth Wilson. He made a fake monster and placed it in the water and photographed it. After a few edits, the monster was made.
There has been sonar study to find the monster. Divers placed sonar becons in the water at the bottom of the lake. The sonar test result came back with a picture of one large monster like animal. The picture is blurry but there is a chance that the photographed image could be the lochness monster.
There are many false sitings that have proven the lochness monster to be just a hoax. There has been the report of v shaped waves in the water, as if something is swimming unnder it, they were found to be just birds. There has been giant eels found in the water, these eelshave been said to be the lochness monster.
All of these false siting have somewhat disproven the legend of the lochness monster. As for me, I still believe. I believe that the monster is real. We are constantly finding animals that have been said to be exstinct for centuries. This proves that there is a slight chance that Nessie is out there.