Thursday, April 22, 2010

My year in journalism

My year was full of good days, bad days and everything in between. I have greatly enjoyed my year and have seen things in a new light. For example, i now hate computers, typing, pens, paper and writing. I hate blogs, blog websites, and now newsprint. This class was suppose to be my relax class but actually was work.

I love every person in the class. I have made new friends and gotten closer with close ones. Everyone in the class is unique and special in many different ways. I have always found it amazing how no one looks the same in the world. Just saying, off topic i know. But i have enjoyed everyday in journalism.

I now have a new respect for journalist. I alway thought journalist were journalist because they couldnt make it in their original college major. After a year of doing their work i have relized that it takes a special etermined person to fill that job. This person will not be me. Nothing against them it is just that writing is not my thing.

I have even enjoyed my time with Ms. Melancon. She can be tough at times but only because she loves us. Through the year i have never seen her negative in any way. She is always uplifting and encouraging which greatly helps in the classroom. It is almost hard to respect her as a teacher because i consider her one of my good friends. Thank you Ms. Melancon for being a wonderful teacher and being a postive example in my life. P.s. if you would like to uprade your title to Mrs., then im your guy ;)

How could i end this blog with out a paragraph on Nathan. Me and him have been though a lot. Im surprised that he still likes me after how many times i have beat him up. Not physically but mentally. Who knows how i would have made it through this class without him. thanks Nathan for always being there, even when times were rough. P.s. If either Brooke, Danielle, Chelsey, Laura, and Sarah are reading this, im going to bring yall on dates. Because i like yall, every single one of yall. I mormon its legal.