Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Earthquake in Hati

One of the worlds most disasterous natural disasters happened recently in Hati. It was January 12th when an eathquake hit Hati. The earthquake toped the rictor scale and was catagorized at a magnitude of 7.0. This earthquake was catagorized as the one of the worlds most deadly natural disasters, killing around 150 thousand people. This event ended a lot of lives and changed the course of many.
Many people think of hurricanes, tornadoes, and tsunamis being the only natural disasters that can cause great damage and death. Many have learned through the recent disaster in Hati. This 7.0 earthquake brought destruction to Hati, which is know as the poorest nation on earth. This even left many homeless and many dead. Citizens from everywhere are joining together to help, by sending money, missionaries and rescue teams.
The Rictor Scale is the scale that is used to catagorize an earthquakes amplitude. The scale goes from 1-10. 1 being the lowest to 10 being the highest. The recent earthquake in Hati was rated a 7. Wikipedi states that, an earthquake with the amplitutde of 7 can cause great damage throughout a large area. They also state that it is equivilant to 600 megatons of tnt.
The body count is at 150,000 and is still rising as rescue team are finding people trapped under rubble. Each day the count gets higher. Homeless and confused, the people of Hati are trying to adapt to their new ways of living. Hati was known for having a dominate religion of Satanism. Some people believe that this is a curse from God. Others just see it as a natural disater.
There are many different ways to support Hati. There are numbers you can call and text to donate money. Some people are even going as far to adopt children from hati. Anything will help, so give America, give, give. In any way that you can every dollar is changing lives.