Monday, January 25, 2010

Feature Story

There are many different bands out there ,but what separates a good band from just any other garage band? There are many different noticable things that differ them. Skill, of course is an important part of it but not the most important. The most important things is to develope your own material, you dont want to sound like any other mainstream band out there, you need to be different and have a unique sound. Next you must have catchy choruses and guitar riffs, this will get people addicted to your music and they will sing it everywhere. And finally practice, everyone has heard that practice makes perfect and it is true.
Everyband need their own unique sound. No record label wants a band that sounds just like one they already have, so be different. Of course there is always a song that sounds like another but try to limit it. To be different just make your own material, your own lyrics, guitar and drum licks. The rest will work itself out.
The next step is to develope catchy riffs and lyrics. This is probably the hardest part of being a succesful band. Once you right one good song, that is what is expected of you for the rest of your career. Guitar riffs are easy for some, but dificult for others. Lyrics take wit and a wide range in vocabulary, but with practice both of these will come.
The last step is to practice. Everyone has heard that practice makes perfect and this is true. Practice everyday. you dont even need your entire band. Just practice your instruments and parts. Practice in front of people and the nerves will ease up. Eventually you willbe preforming in front of crowds of people that cant even be counted.
Once you have mastered all of these teniques as a band, you will be better than you ever imagined. Of course there are a few more steps but these are the main ones. I hope this story has influenced you to start a band. and if your already in one i hope you follow these steps