Friday, January 29, 2010

Liar Liar

Many people can can recognize the name Stephen Glass, but few know the story behind it. Stephen Glass was a write for The New Republic, the official magazine of Air Force One. He was the youngest writer in the office, and had many degrees in journalism with a good background. He was considered on of the best writers in the office because of his crazy storyies.
Stephen was a staff writer and he was in law school. He was always booked for his studies. Which is possibly the main reason he decided to lie. Stephen is known for making up 27 false stories out of the 41 he wrote.
Stephen lied about 27 different stories. He made up sources and added them in his column as legal sources, this today is highly illegal and can get even the most notorious writer fired. Stephen was finally caught in the middle of his lie by an online journal group. The editor was contacted and had no choice but to fire Stephen from The New Republic to protect the magazine. A letter of apologies was sent out in the next issue apologizing for the lies.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Earthquake in Hati

One of the worlds most disasterous natural disasters happened recently in Hati. It was January 12th when an eathquake hit Hati. The earthquake toped the rictor scale and was catagorized at a magnitude of 7.0. This earthquake was catagorized as the one of the worlds most deadly natural disasters, killing around 150 thousand people. This event ended a lot of lives and changed the course of many.
Many people think of hurricanes, tornadoes, and tsunamis being the only natural disasters that can cause great damage and death. Many have learned through the recent disaster in Hati. This 7.0 earthquake brought destruction to Hati, which is know as the poorest nation on earth. This even left many homeless and many dead. Citizens from everywhere are joining together to help, by sending money, missionaries and rescue teams.
The Rictor Scale is the scale that is used to catagorize an earthquakes amplitude. The scale goes from 1-10. 1 being the lowest to 10 being the highest. The recent earthquake in Hati was rated a 7. Wikipedi states that, an earthquake with the amplitutde of 7 can cause great damage throughout a large area. They also state that it is equivilant to 600 megatons of tnt.
The body count is at 150,000 and is still rising as rescue team are finding people trapped under rubble. Each day the count gets higher. Homeless and confused, the people of Hati are trying to adapt to their new ways of living. Hati was known for having a dominate religion of Satanism. Some people believe that this is a curse from God. Others just see it as a natural disater.
There are many different ways to support Hati. There are numbers you can call and text to donate money. Some people are even going as far to adopt children from hati. Anything will help, so give America, give, give. In any way that you can every dollar is changing lives.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Feature Story

There are many different bands out there ,but what separates a good band from just any other garage band? There are many different noticable things that differ them. Skill, of course is an important part of it but not the most important. The most important things is to develope your own material, you dont want to sound like any other mainstream band out there, you need to be different and have a unique sound. Next you must have catchy choruses and guitar riffs, this will get people addicted to your music and they will sing it everywhere. And finally practice, everyone has heard that practice makes perfect and it is true.
Everyband need their own unique sound. No record label wants a band that sounds just like one they already have, so be different. Of course there is always a song that sounds like another but try to limit it. To be different just make your own material, your own lyrics, guitar and drum licks. The rest will work itself out.
The next step is to develope catchy riffs and lyrics. This is probably the hardest part of being a succesful band. Once you right one good song, that is what is expected of you for the rest of your career. Guitar riffs are easy for some, but dificult for others. Lyrics take wit and a wide range in vocabulary, but with practice both of these will come.
The last step is to practice. Everyone has heard that practice makes perfect and this is true. Practice everyday. you dont even need your entire band. Just practice your instruments and parts. Practice in front of people and the nerves will ease up. Eventually you willbe preforming in front of crowds of people that cant even be counted.
Once you have mastered all of these teniques as a band, you will be better than you ever imagined. Of course there are a few more steps but these are the main ones. I hope this story has influenced you to start a band. and if your already in one i hope you follow these steps

20 pictures

U Teach

1. Nathan's.
Nathans taught me how to win pinball. That is legit. Now i can beat my mom

2. Tim's
Tim grows miniature trees. Thats even more legit. It made me wwant to plant little trees everywhere.

3. James
James was the coolest because me and Danielle taught it to the class. Taught it well, at that.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1.bernard st. margrete. missouri. The Knight Errant
2.Iolani School. Honolulu, Hawaii. Imua Iolani
3.Gaylesville Enterprise - Gaylesville School - Gaylesville, ALWritten and published by the students of Gaylesville
4.Horace Mann Record - Horace Mann School, New York, NY Weekly school newspaper which is fully searchable and is updated throughout the
5 Lowell High School, San Francisco, CA

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


1st place would have to go to the demolition game. I enjoyed that game very much. Me being a guy and all enjoyed the explotions and destructive nature of the game. I sucessful accomplished every level more than once. Out of all the blogs this was the best.

2nd place would go to the ehow assignment. I am facinated with simple facts such as the how-to's on ehow. Instead of finding just 3 ehows i found a few more. I even used the ehow of how to stuff a turkey in the thanksgiving newspaper. 2nd place definately goes to ehow, Fasho bruh.

3rd place goes to the picture story. In this blog we had to tell a story using 5 pictures. I photoshoped some and made fun of nathan. He made fun of me, the never ending cycle. But other than these three, my blog assignments suckkkkkedd. ahh j/k they stunk.