Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tweeting it up on twitter yo.

1. What is Twitter?
Twitter is a website that people join and are able to update everyone on what they are doing whenever they want.

2. Who uses it?
A better question is who doesn't?

3. Why do you think they use it?
They use it to express themselves and tell there peeps whats happnin.

4. Why is it important.
Twitter is important because it gives people things to do.

5. Who are some intresting people that use twitter?
Oprah uses twitter. She is addicted.

6. What is your take on the twitter phenomenom going on?
I think that it is awesome.


Jenny M. said...

Good job Chase, I like your title. Check our class blog for your next assigment...

Danielle's blog said...

good job chase.. and nice title!!

Miss KeKe said...

chase, my fellow classmate!! ur title reflects ur personality!! soo funny. good job!! :)