Sunday, October 11, 2009


My picture is on my phone so i cant show you but i will if ya ask boo.

Okay so i went to barnes and noble, way out in baton rouge. I probably used at least 20 dollars in gas but who cares? Not Ms. Melancon. Well i went there and they had books, thousands of books. I would rather get shots from the doctor or amputate a limb than be there. But i did it, so give me my points yo. But seriously, if you are looking for a book of any kind i would recommend you to go to barnes and noble. I got my research paper book from there.
I thought the place was a total nerd hangout until i saw the MUSIC section, my favorite. They had about every kind you could imagine. Rock, Hip/hop, Jazz, Country, You name a genre and they had it ( Except for Carman, because he sounds terrible). This part of the store greatly impressed me. So i gaze at the music with my jaw on the floor for a few minutes then i look over and what do i see? Magazines.
They also had a huge selection of magazine, which are not to terrible to read. But they have pictures. I like pictures. They have Sports, Fashion, History ( a personal favorite of mine), Even animals( quick fact, I used to get tons of zoobooks when i was little). But if you add the music and the magazines together and subtract the books, I guess the place wasnt so terrible after all. I think i would go back one day. And i also forgot to mention they have drinks and Movies. Drinks because when you sweat from reading i guess you need to put some fluids back into your body? Or something. So there you have it, after a long day of research i have configured a mathmatical formula about B&N

Music + Movies + Drinks + Magazines - Books = A not so bad place.

The End yo.