Thursday, October 29, 2009


How to make a zombie costume
How to make a minotaur costume
How to dazzle an audience at a book reading
How to jig
How to get on American idol
How to crawl
How to carve a pumpkin
How to read
how to become a fairy
how to keep children busy days
How to listen to music

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Danish Home- Oprah recently went and toured a Danish home. The house was extremely small. Everything in and around the house was smaller than usual. I never realized how priviledged i am to have large things. But oprah probably donated them like a billion dollars to get big things.

Dubi- Dubi is a very luxourious city. They have a very rich culture and is home of the worlds largest building. The women are trained to work in the house while them men went out and worked. Dubi is a beautiful city. Sounds like a field trip to me.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Have any of you ever heard of Mark Zuckerberg? Yeah, me neither. But this guy has invented something that we all use daily. He is now a multi-millionare and the creator of Facebook. Mark came home one day with a great idea named Facebook, designed the website and is now a very rich being.
Facebook is a internet site that allows everyone to be connected to their friends at all times. Facebook has greatly influenced many people today. With its status updates and online chat it is quite obvious why this website is superior over all the other competitors. Facebook is a website for champions, its easy to use and quite convienient which makes it a family household item for everyone.
Facebook is greatly changing our world. A truely genius idea from a regular guy. Don't expect Facebook to go away soon, because with its demand from the people you will see it for many years to come.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


One exaple of when media went overboard was when Michael Jackson died. Yes it is important to inform the people about his death, but after a week of information you think everyone would know. But no, the media continued to inform all of the informed people. Everytime you turned on the television or radio you hear MJ's name. Enough is enough people. And besides everyone knows he isnt dead and is going to have a back to life tour in 2010.

Another final example of the media going overboard is about celebrity breakups. Most people have their own lives and do not have time to follow other peoples.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


My picture is on my phone so i cant show you but i will if ya ask boo.

Okay so i went to barnes and noble, way out in baton rouge. I probably used at least 20 dollars in gas but who cares? Not Ms. Melancon. Well i went there and they had books, thousands of books. I would rather get shots from the doctor or amputate a limb than be there. But i did it, so give me my points yo. But seriously, if you are looking for a book of any kind i would recommend you to go to barnes and noble. I got my research paper book from there.
I thought the place was a total nerd hangout until i saw the MUSIC section, my favorite. They had about every kind you could imagine. Rock, Hip/hop, Jazz, Country, You name a genre and they had it ( Except for Carman, because he sounds terrible). This part of the store greatly impressed me. So i gaze at the music with my jaw on the floor for a few minutes then i look over and what do i see? Magazines.
They also had a huge selection of magazine, which are not to terrible to read. But they have pictures. I like pictures. They have Sports, Fashion, History ( a personal favorite of mine), Even animals( quick fact, I used to get tons of zoobooks when i was little). But if you add the music and the magazines together and subtract the books, I guess the place wasnt so terrible after all. I think i would go back one day. And i also forgot to mention they have drinks and Movies. Drinks because when you sweat from reading i guess you need to put some fluids back into your body? Or something. So there you have it, after a long day of research i have configured a mathmatical formula about B&N

Music + Movies + Drinks + Magazines - Books = A not so bad place.

The End yo.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Good God, if your song leaves our lips
If your work leaves our hands
Then we will be wanderers and vagabonds

They will stare and say how empty we are
How the freedom we had turned us up as dead men

Let us be cold, make us weak
Let us, because we all have ears
Let us, because we all have eyes
Good God

How they knew that this would happen
They knew they knew that this would
How they knew that this would happen
They knew they knew that this would
How they knew that this would happen
They knew they knew that this would
How they knew that this would happen
They knew they knew that this would
(We’re so run down)

Good God! Can you still get us home…(x6)
Still get us home

How can we still get home
I’m not dreaming
We’re forgetting our forgiveness