Monday, September 14, 2009


Cell phone- The cell phone edhead game was about boring. Old people are usually no fun. This game was very boring. I dont see how it relates to journalism. So yeahh homie.

Brain Surgery- This game was pretty gross. It told me not to go into the medical field. It was rather disgusting. I had a good time playing it. Even though it was 1398476 hours long. Once again i do not see how it relates to journalism.

Crime Scene- It was really neat looking into the scene of the crime. I have always been into investigation and forinsic science. It was neat looking at the wreck and deciding what happened. The only thing i didnt enjoy about the game was it reminded me of my wreck. But of course there was no crime in my wreck.

Virtual Hip resurfacing- This one was the most confusing for me. It was full of huge words. These huge words were followed by some gruesome pictures. I learn about hip resurfaceing. I had a good time doing it. I pretty much have a phD as a doctor now.

Hip Replacement- HipHip replacement!! It was fun learning about the hip and its parts. This one was probably the nastiest. They were a load of popping noises and it sounded pretty terrible. I am now confident in my surgical skills. I will operate on anyone that needs it.

The Odd Machine. This game was probably the most fun so far. It related to physics which i love. I knew most of the awnseres because im in physic and have already learned them. I learned a little bit during this one like what the center point of a scale is called. it was fun

Virtual knee surgery- This one reminds me of Ben Myers. He had to get his ACL replced and this one reminds me of it. This game was not as gruesome as most of the others. Im getting tired od Edheads, i cant take much more

Weather- This one reminds me of Andre Moreau. Just because of the whole news anchor thing. This one is fun because i have always wanted to be a weather man since i was younger. I learned alot about the weather through this game. It was grand.