Thursday, September 24, 2009

Books Books lot mo Books

This is a website that allows you to get the best bragain on your books. It is a great website. They will allow you to get some deals. If you are looking for some deals on books this is the site to go to.

Tommy Sneakers

Toms shoes is a great idea. They are supafly shoes with a supafly cause. With every pair of shoes that you buy tom gives away a pair to a shoeless kid in africa. Thats pretty ballin stuff yo. I would greatly support toms shoes. I would also like to allow them at school.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


My favorite game so far has been this far. You destroy building with bombs. My favorite. I would reccomend this game to anyone. You blow things up. Thats as cool as it gets. go to the website and get started.

Pop them words

Today was full of fun games. Jennay is on a role.
This is a fun game for anyone who can read and type? Bubbles all on the screen and you have to hurry and form them into words. Once they reach 50 the game is over. It is fun just go to the website and get spelling.


We finally are playing good games

This is a game for anyone who feels like having fun, it is a great way to waste time. It s a game where you have to move blocks like a puzzle and stuff. very fun, i would recommend it to anyone


This game was the best one we have ever played. Just saying. I got a 97 percent.

Who: An awesome game for anyone
What: An awesome painting game
When: Anytime
Why: Anywhere
Where: On the computer
How: on the website

I would greatly recommend this game, its fun.


Who: A website that anyone can enjoy
What: An extension of twitter where people can look up recipies
When: Anytime
Where: Anyplace
Why: because thats what they do
How: go to

Example: Idiot proof tomato salsa

Monday, September 21, 2009

The brizzain is frozen
^thurr it be at mayne

Who: Anyone who wants to look goofy
What: its a website promoting their new drink
When: all day eryday eryhour
Where: Erywhurr
Why: Because its awesome
How: With the help of technology

Twitter pets

Who: For anyone with a cayute pet and a twitter
What: A website that allows you to vote on who has the cutest pet
When: Whenever you want
Where: On yo
Why: Because its ballin
How: With your parents help of course


Who: A website for anyone intrested in learning new words
What: A website that If full of words, Type one in and find the meaning
When: Whenevas you feels like it you
Why: Because the cool kids are doing it
How: Ask your parents

50 ideas

Nathan Maranto



Scary mask

Carving pumpkins


Jenny Melancon

Chase Barrett

Caleb Leger

Demerits are lame

Music is awesome



Me in the lion suit

Me in the lion suit

me in the lion suit

me in the lion suit

The Baseball team


Cross Country







See you at the pole

Canteburry tales

World History

World Series

Does Nathan really like girls

Is drake really to good for us.

Mystery student

Mystery teacher

Favorite band

Favorite song

Instruments that you play

Instruments you would like to play

Another hide and find it game

Another jar of candy

Favoite tv show

Favorite actor

Favorite movie

Cutest teacher

Most popular

JB Hernandez

Chase Kairdolf

Drake Wilson

Nathan is lame t-shirt contest

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Who: The poepl of insanwitches website

What: They build crazy snadwiches

When: when they have time

Where: at there hizzouse

Why: it shows their artistic minds

How: with their hands


Who: Crazy awesome people
Why: because asrenaline is awesome
When: A few months ago
Where: At amusment parks
What: crazy people doing crazy rides
How: under direct supervision


This is a website full of pictures of animals.

How: People upload their pictures of animals onto the computer

Who: anyone

What: a Website full of animal pictures

When: anytime

Where: Ispot

Why: for entertainment


Friday, September 18, 2009

Awesome Pictures

This website is pretty awesome. It has a lot of awesome pictures. It is full of creative ideas and cool photos. I would like to put pictures on here. It was cool yo.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Booming with the box yo.

Who: These are for anyone who enjoys music.

What: They are a large portable radio with two speaker

Why: To listen to music

When: Whenever you want

Where: Wherever you want

How: with magic music power

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mother would be mad

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Disaster maze

a. How could this game help educate kids about hurricanes? It cant. It wont. Impossible
b. Would you recommend that schools along the Gulf Coast have their kids play this game? Why or why not? No because it is a waste of time, it doesnt teach anything.

Hurricane House

Its kind of hard to write a story about this game. It was about 3 seconds long. And i didnt teach me anything, it just reminded me to not live my trash in the yard. Which i dont because mother would beat me.

a. How could this game help educate kids about hurricanes? It would teach them to not leave stuff in the yard.
b. Would you recommend that schools along the Gulf Coast have their kids play this game? Why or why not? I would because maybe it could save some of them from hurricane disasters

Monday, September 14, 2009


Cell phone- The cell phone edhead game was about boring. Old people are usually no fun. This game was very boring. I dont see how it relates to journalism. So yeahh homie.

Brain Surgery- This game was pretty gross. It told me not to go into the medical field. It was rather disgusting. I had a good time playing it. Even though it was 1398476 hours long. Once again i do not see how it relates to journalism.

Crime Scene- It was really neat looking into the scene of the crime. I have always been into investigation and forinsic science. It was neat looking at the wreck and deciding what happened. The only thing i didnt enjoy about the game was it reminded me of my wreck. But of course there was no crime in my wreck.

Virtual Hip resurfacing- This one was the most confusing for me. It was full of huge words. These huge words were followed by some gruesome pictures. I learn about hip resurfaceing. I had a good time doing it. I pretty much have a phD as a doctor now.

Hip Replacement- HipHip replacement!! It was fun learning about the hip and its parts. This one was probably the nastiest. They were a load of popping noises and it sounded pretty terrible. I am now confident in my surgical skills. I will operate on anyone that needs it.

The Odd Machine. This game was probably the most fun so far. It related to physics which i love. I knew most of the awnseres because im in physic and have already learned them. I learned a little bit during this one like what the center point of a scale is called. it was fun

Virtual knee surgery- This one reminds me of Ben Myers. He had to get his ACL replced and this one reminds me of it. This game was not as gruesome as most of the others. Im getting tired od Edheads, i cant take much more

Weather- This one reminds me of Andre Moreau. Just because of the whole news anchor thing. This one is fun because i have always wanted to be a weather man since i was younger. I learned alot about the weather through this game. It was grand.