Thursday, February 25, 2010



Watergate was a political scandal that eventually forced president Richard Nixon to resign from his office of presidency. The water gate scandal was something that has been going on for an entire year before it was discovered and brought to the public. The scandal was uncovered and revealed to the people through the Washington Post. Bob Woodward and Carl Berstein are the journalist responsible for bringing the scandal to light.

These two reporters were everyday journalist for the Washinton Post. The Washington Post is a newspaper that usually dealt with political affairs. These two reporters heard of the watergate burglaries and began their research. The did a different type of research than repoters do today. There was no internet or computer to look up information, everything must have been done by phone or in person.

Bob Woodward and Carl Berstein began to find small clues of something that was bigger than watergate burglaries. The began to question people high up in goverment office but they acted like they had no clue. These two reporters knew that they had been told not to talk. They began to persuade people to give clues about watergate, and eventually developed a story that would change the world.

They published a story that turned Watergate Burglary into a Watergate Scandal. They revealed that the republican party had been snooping around and sabatoging the democratic party. All of this was done just to re-elect president Nixon, who would have won the election without the sabatoging. The scandal was revealed and Nixon resigned. All this is thanks to Bob Woodward and Carl Berstein, a.k.a Woodstein.

Friday, February 19, 2010

feature story

Summer is a great time for students everywhere. Children of all ages are running outside and playing in the summer sun. Summer is a great time for relaxation and a good time to hang out with friends. I personally enjoy summer because i get some away time to do whatever i want.
Summer comes around once a year. Usually around the end of May. This is a time of rest for students and even teachers. It is a time to go on vacation and hangout with your best friends. Summer is enjoyed by kids everywhere.
Summer is my favorite holiday. It is a time for me to work and make money to spend. This will be my last highschool summer coming up, so i hope to spend it doing everything i wanted. Im going to hangout with all of my friends and what not.
"Summer is a time for your brain to go mush", as said by Caleb Leger. Which this is true, summer is a time to relax from school and take a break. It is a time to forget how to write and learn as well. It is cool dawg. ya know
Summer is a great time for students everywhere. Children of all ages are running outside and playing in the summer sun. Summer is a great time for relaxation and a good time to hang out with friends. I personally enjoy summer because i get some away time to do whatever i want.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Almost everyone you know owns or has a guitar. Many people can play, or can pretend to play, but very few know the origin of the guitar. Guitars were said to originate in Spain. The word guitar come from the spanish word guitarra.
The very first 6 string guitar was made in 1776. and was made by a member of the family of Italian luthiers, or stringed instrument builders, who developed the mandolin. Since the guitar was contrived by the mandolin makers, it has similar properties. The guitar was smaller and had a different sound than what we are accustomed to today.
By the mid-1800s, the guitar had taken on its familiar shape, and bracing inside the guitar had been changed to the modern fan style. These were acoustic guitars. These guitars began to look more like what we have today. With the creation of these new guitars, more and more musicians began toplay.
It wasnt until the 1900's that the electric guitar was invented. The first electric guitar was an amazing contribution to the music industry. With the creation of the electric guitar there was the creation of guitar amplifiers and effects. These effect began to make new genres and subgenres of music.
Knowing the history of the guitar helps create a love for the guitar. If you dont know the history you cannot respect where it has come from. Knowiung the history helps you to love and understand the instrument. A deeper appreciation of the guitar leads to a deeper respect, which shines through when the instrument is played. Have fun and keep playing.